React v17.0 ( 20, 2020
Today, we are releasing React 17! We’ve written at length about the role of the React 17 release and the changes it contains in the React 17 RC blog post.
Diving into the new JSX transform ( 24, 2020
With React 17, you no longer need to import React in your files to use React. Confused? This article will tell you what you need to know in order to migrate both your code and knowledge to this new way of doing things.
React v17.0 Release Candidate: No New Features ( 10, 2020
Today, we are publishing the first Release Candidate for React 17. It has been two and a half years since the previous major release of React, which is a long time even by our standards! In this blog post, we will describe the role of this major release, what changes you can expect in it, and how you can try this release.
React v16.13.0 ( 26, 2020
Today we are releasing React 16.13.0. It contains bugfixes and new deprecation warnings to help prepare for a future major release.
Preparing for the Future with React Prereleases ( 22, 2019
To share upcoming changes with our partners in the React ecosystem, we’re establishing official prerelease channels. We hope this process will help us make changes to React with confidence, and give developers the opportunity to try out experimental features.
What's New in React 16.9: The UNSAFE Update ( 14, 2019
As we prepare for React v17, the React core team continues to make incremental changes and recently released React 16.9.0. This release builds on previous versions with a number of deprecations, new features and bug fixes.
UI as an afterthought ( 05, 2019
A question people ask me regularly: “How do all the new React features (context, hooks, suspense) affect how we build (web) apps in the future? Do they make state management libraries like Redux or MobX obsolete?” With this post, I’ll try to answer that question once and for all!
React 16.x Roadmap ( 27, 2018
You might have heard about features like “Hooks”, “Suspense”, and “Concurrent Rendering” in the previous blog posts and talks. In this post, we’ll look at how they fit together and the expected timeline for their availability in a stable release of React.
React v16.6.0: lazy, memo and contextType ( 23, 2018
Today we’re releasing React 16.6 with a few new convenient features. A form of PureComponent/shouldComponentUpdate for function components, a way to do code splitting using Suspense and an easier way to consume Context from class components.
Introducing the React Profiler ( 10, 2018
React 16.5 adds support for a new DevTools profiler plugin. This plugin uses React’s experimental Profiler API to collect timing information about each component that’s rendered in order to identify performance bottlenecks in React applications. It will be fully compatible with our upcoming time slicing and suspense features.
React v16.4.2: Server-side vulnerability fix ( 01, 2018
We discovered a minor vulnerability that might affect some apps using ReactDOMServer. We are releasing a patch version for every affected React minor release so that you can upgrade with no friction. Read on for more details.
React v16.3.0: New lifecycles and context API ( 29, 2018
In React 16.3.0, we are adding a few new lifecycle methods to assist with that migration. We are also introducing new APIs for long requested features: an official context API, a ref forwarding API, and an ergonomic ref API.
Sneak Peek: Beyond React 16 ( 01, 2018
Dan Abramov from our team just spoke at JSConf Iceland 2018 with a preview of some new features we’ve been working on in React. The talk opens with a question: “With vast differences in computing power and network speed, how do we deliver the best user experience for everyone?”
What's new in React 16? ( 05, 2017
All React 16 changes in one article. It tells you about the new return types with fragments and strings, portals in React, componentDidCatch and error boundaries for a robust error handling in React, setState with returning null and custom DOM attributes in React.
React v16.0 ( 26, 2017
We’re excited to announce the release of React v16.0! Among the changes are some long-standing feature requests, including fragments, error boundaries, portals, support for custom DOM attributes, improved server-side rendering, and reduced file size.
React v15.6.2 ( 25, 2017
Today we’re sending out React 15.6.2. In 15.6.1, we shipped a few fixes for change events and inputs that had some unintended consequences. Those regressions have been ironed out, and we’ve also included a few more fixes to improve the stability of React across all browsers.
DOM Attributes in React 16 ( 08, 2017
In the past, React used to ignore unknown DOM attributes. If you wrote JSX with an attribute that React doesn’t recognize, React would just skip it.
Error Handling in React 16 ( 26, 2017
As React 16 release is getting closer, we would like to announce a few changes to how React handles JavaScript errors inside components. These changes are included in React 16 beta versions, and will be a part of React 16.
What's New in Create React App ( 18, 2017
Less than a year ago, we introduced Create React App as an officially supported way to create apps with zero configuration. The project has since enjoyed tremendous growth, with over 950 commits by more than 250 contributors.
React v15.5.0 ( 07, 2017
It’s been exactly one year since the last breaking change to React. Our next major release, React 16, will include some exciting improvements, including a complete rewrite of React’s internals. We take stability seriously, and are committed to bringing those improvements to all of our users with minimal effort.