Setting TypeScript For Modern React Projects Using Webpack And Babel ( 11, 2020
This article introduces Typescript, a superscript of JavaScript that presents the static type feature for spotting common errors as developers codes, which enhances performance, hence results in robust enterprise applications. You’ll also learn how to efficiently set up TypeScript in a React Project as we build a Money Heist Episode Picker App, exploring TypeScript, React hooks such as useReducer, useContext and Reach Router.
How to Migrate a React App to TypeScript ( 12, 2020
The purpose of this article is to be that friend for you and help you migrate your own project to TypeScript. For context, I will be using pieces from a personal project which I migrated while going through this process myself.
React with TypeScript: Best Practices ( 16, 2020
React and TypeScript are two awesome technologies used by a lot of developers these days. Knowing how to do things can get tricky, and sometimes it’s hard to find the right answer. Not to worry. We’ve put together the best practices along with examples to clarify any doubts you may have.
Sharing Code between React Web / Native TypeScript Projects ( 27, 2019
Say we are working on a React Web and React Native project with overlapping functionality. We write some common code that we want to share between them, e.g., custom React Hooks. We don’t want to use the “copy-and-paste” method of sharing code; too error-prone. We want something that behaves like our projects’ other libraries, i.e., behaves like a npm library.
An Expense App with React and TypeScript ( 07, 2019
In this article, we're going to build a modern expense app using React and TypeScript, and understand why more and more developers are starting to use TypeScript. We're going to learn how we can use TypeScript to build better React components using types.
Build a GraphQL + React app with TypeScript ( 09, 2019
This article walks you through building a client-side application with React and Apollo using the public SpaceX GraphQL API to display information about launches. We will automatically generate TypeScript types for our queries and execute these queries using React Hooks.
How to Use TypeScript in React ( 13, 2019
Over the past couple of years, TypeScript has started to gain momentum in the React world and, now, has official support in create-react-app. So, we thought it would be helpful to share a little tutorial on how to kick off a new React project using TypeScript.
Using TypeScript with React ( 11, 2019
TypeScript is awesome. So is React. Let’s use them both together! Using TypeScript allows us to get the benefits of IntelliSense, as well as the ability to further reason about our code. As well as this, adopting TypeScript is easy as files can be incrementally upgraded without causing issues throughout the rest of your project.
Creating a Static Site using Next.js and TypeScript ( 19, 2018
My goal here is to document the steps required to create a static site rendered using next and TypeScript. I'm specifically interested in a configuration that uses the export functionality of next to produce what is basically a static, server-side rendered web site that integrates dynamic functionality once loaded. If that interests you as well, read on.