Customize Create React App without Ejecting ( 23, 2020
Create React app has become the defacto standard for building React applications. With a standard comes inflexibility. The ecosystem of the JavaScript world has expanded greatly and sometimes you want to build upon the standard.s
Using Tailwind CSS with Create React App ( 30, 2020
I’ve been hearing a lot about Tailwind CSS lately and I wanted to give it a try, but I wanted to combine Tailwind with Create React App. In this post I’ll show you how to use Create React App with Tailwind CSS in just a couple quick minutes.
Read a File in Create React App ( 29, 2019
Imagine you have a text file on your computer. It could be JSON, CSV, markdown or any other format. And now you want to create a React app to make the information in that file more presentable and maybe somewhat interactive.
Getting started with Create React App ( 06, 2019
Create React App is a popular toolchain for building simple apps. The goal of this post is to explain the components of Create React App at a deeper level to give you much better control and confidence over the development environment.
What’s new in Create React App 3 ( 03, 2019
Released at the end of April 2019, Create React App (CRA) 3 adds linting rules to hooks and TypeScript projects, along with other improvements and version upgrades to ease the development of React apps.
How to setup React.js on Windows ( 20, 2018
A concise step by step guide on how to setup React.js on Windows for your PC. In a few steps, you will install Visual Studio Code, Node.js, NPM, Git, Prettier and create-react-app for building React applications with Windows.
Getting Started with Create React App ( 29, 2018
In this post I’ll show how to get started with create-react-app and long the way, we’ll look at each of its built-in scripts and also investigate various ways to keep your react-scripts dependency up-to-date.
MobX (with Decorators) in create-react-app ( 10, 2017
Everything you need to know about using MobX in a create-react-app with React. The article shows you all the different edge cases on how to activate JavaScript decorators, how to use MobX without decorators, and as bonus how to use MobX in Next.js.
What's New in Create React App ( 18, 2017
Less than a year ago, we introduced Create React App as an officially supported way to create apps with zero configuration. The project has since enjoyed tremendous growth, with over 950 commits by more than 250 contributors.