Sharing Code between React Web / Native TypeScript Projects ( 27, 2019
Say we are working on a React Web and React Native project with overlapping functionality. We write some common code that we want to share between them, e.g., custom React Hooks. We don’t want to use the “copy-and-paste” method of sharing code; too error-prone. We want something that behaves like our projects’ other libraries, i.e., behaves like a npm library.
The Case for the React Native Web Singularity ( 30, 2019
Bottom line up front: There is a possible "React Native Web Singularity", when it starts being a better standalone choice for developing for the mobile web than react-dom. If this speculation comes true, this would be gamechanging.
The state of React Native Web in 2019 ( 10, 2019
React-native-web is one of the most amazing ideas I’ve stumbled upon in a while. For UI developers, it makes a longtime dream a reality: the ability to create an application that runs on both phones and browsers with just one codebase.
React Native For Web: A Glimpse Into The Future ( 08, 2016
One of the hardest decisions to make when starting a new app is which platforms to target. A mobile app gives you more control and better performance but isn’t as universal as the web. If you’re making a mobile app, can you afford to support both iOS and Android? What about trying to build a mobile app and a responsive web app? Ultimately, the best experience for your customers is for your app to work everywhere, but the development and maintenance costs of that can be prohibitive.