Elijah Manor

Courses & Video Series

Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks (egghead.io)
Dec 10, 2018
As I introduce the concepts of React hooks, I'll apply those concepts in various demos to see how they apply in different scenarios. I'll be converting Class Components to Function Components so you can see how they relate to each-other.

Articles & Tutorials

What's New in Create React App 2.0 Video Series (elijahmanor.com)
Oct 11, 2018
Earlier this month Create React App 2.0 was released adding a lot of new features. Some of those features include Sass Support, CSS Modules Support, Adding SVGs as React Components, Fragment Short Syntax, and Babel Macros.
Use the New Profiler in React Developer Tools to Generate Flame Charts and Interactions (elijahmanor.com)
Sep 10, 2018
React version 16.5.0 has been released and one of the features that it supports is the new Profiler in the React Developer Tools.
Adding Storybook Style Guide to a Create React App (elijahmanor.com)
Feb 20, 2018
In this post we’ll look at how to add the Storybook style guide to a React web app boostrapped by create-react-app.
Getting Started with Create React App (elijahmanor.com)
Jan 29, 2018
In this post I’ll show how to get started with create-react-app and long the way, we’ll look at each of its built-in scripts and also investigate various ways to keep your react-scripts dependency up-to-date.

Video Guides & Talks

Rename Unsafe Lifecycle Hooks with react-codemod (youtube.com)
Apr 17, 2018
In this video we’ll look at how to refactor an existing React code-base using jscodeshift and react-codemod. In particular we’ll be using one of the scripts to automatically prepend React’s unsafe lifecycle hooks with UNSAFE_.
Polyfill React 16.3 New Lifecycle Hooks (youtube.com)
Apr 12, 2018
In this video we’ll look at how to bring backwards compatibility when using the new React 16.3 lifecycle hooks. The react-lifecycles-compat polyfill will allow the getDerivedStateFromProps and getSnapshotBeforeUpdate methods to work in older versions of React.
What's New in React 16.3.0 (youtube.com)
Mar 30, 2018
In this video we’ll look at "what's new" in React version 16.3. It turns out there are a lot of new features packed in this release. There is a new Context API, some new ref APIs, new and updated lifecycle methods, a new strict mode component, an experimental async mode component, and an updated version of React DevTools.
Add ESLint & Prettier to VS Code for a Create React App (youtube.com)
Mar 19, 2018
In this video we’ll look at how to setup VS Code to lint and style an app bootstrapped by create-react-app with with ESLint and Prettier.
Bootstrap a React App with Parcel (youtube.com)
Mar 07, 2018
In this video we’ll look at how to bootstrap a new React web app using Parcel, a zero config web bundler.
Forking instead of Ejecting a Create React App (youtube.com)
Mar 01, 2018
In this video we’ll look at technique to help prevent you from ejecting your app that was bootstraped by `create-react-app`.
Adding Storybook Style Guide to a Create React App (youtube.com)
Feb 20, 2018
In this post we’ll look at how to add the Storybook style guide to a React web app boostrapped by create-react-app.
Debugging a Create React App with VS Code (youtube.com)
Feb 05, 2018
In this post we’ll look at how to configure Visual Studio Code to debug React Components and Jest Unit Tests inside a web application that was created by create-react-app.