Introduction to React Motion ( 25, 2020
React Motion is an animation library for React applications that makes it easy to create and implement realistic animations. In this guide, we’ll demonstrate how to install the library and share some basic tips to help you build natural-looking, physics-based animations for your React projects.
Motion in React ( 02, 2018
This talk will be a comparison of several approaches to implementing motion in React, from using CSS-in-JS tools like Styled Components, as well as animating components with vanilla JS, functional libraries, or libraries more closely tied to the ecosystem like React Motion.
Motion in JavaScript ( 31, 2018
You may have heard of CSS in JS, but what alternatives are there for implementing interactive motions in JS? This talk will be a comparison of several approaches from using vanilla Javascript to libraries like Anime.js and Popmotion, as well as ones in React ecosystem like React Transition Group and React Motion.