Simply React ( 11, 2020
There are patterns that have emerged in React that allow you to promote code reuse without sacrificing the simplicity or flexibility of the component. In this talk we'll go over several of these patterns that will make your React components and hooks more useful.
Using React.useReducer to avoid state bugs ( 14, 2019
A while back I tweeted an issue I was having with a stopwatch component. I'm going to show you why it was happening and Dan's helpful solution to the problem using React.useReducer (and why React.useState wasn't well suited for this task).
How NOT to test custom React hooks (and how to test them) ( 07, 2019
It can be tempting to try and call your custom hook manually and test it that way, but you'll run into the error "Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component." And for good reason. Let's talk about why that is and the proper way to test a custom React hook.
React Component Organization Tips ( 04, 2019
Someone asked me a question about destructuring custom `this` methods in the `render` method. I'm going to answer their question in addition to talk about why I don't like using methods like that at all.
Installing Gatsby ( 18, 2018
I'm doing some research on gatsby. Let's see what it takes to get this installed and running from the perspective of a newcomer.
Confident React ( 02, 2018
We want to make sure that when we ship new code, our users can use the application. The best way we've found to do that is to write automated tests that run before we deploy a new version of the app. But if our tests aren't doing exactly what the user will do, then how do we really know that things will work when users interact with our apps?
Debug React's Event System ( 10, 2018
In my efforts to understand React's event system and how it relates to real browser events (so I can fire real browser events to call event handlers), I learned a few things you may find interesting :)
Simply React ( 09, 2018
One of the things I love about React is how easy it is to encapsulate UI code into a component. I love this because it makes reuse of those components easy. But is it simple? I've made my fair share of components that had to accept a bunch of props to handle a growing list of different use cases resulting in a complex render function full of conditional statements and a confusing API for people using this "reusable" component.
Debug Jest Tests ( 09, 2018
Sometimes it's just really nice to step through your code line-by-line. Here we'll cover how you can run your jest tests in Chrome's DevTools using node --inspect-brk.
What is MDX ( 06, 2018
I've recently taking a big liking to MDX: A JSX in Markdown loader, parser, and renderer for ambitious projects. It combines the readability of Markdown with the expressivity of JSX. The best of both worlds.
Simply React ( 28, 2018
One of the things I love about React is how easy it is to encapsulate UI code into a component. I love this because it makes reuse of those components easy. But is it simple? I've made my fair share of components that had to accept a bunch of props to handle a growing list of different use cases resulting in a complex render function full of conditional statements and a confusing API for people using this "reusable" component.
How to test Redux ( 18, 2018
Do you test actions, reducers, selectors, and components in isolation as unit tests? Or do you test the connected components with the actual store wired up as integration tests? Here are my thoughts.
Simply React - OpenWest 2018 ( 08, 2018
There are patterns that have emerged in React that allow you to promote code reuse without sacrificing the simplicity or flexibility of the component. In this talk we’ll go over 5 of these patterns that will make your React components more useful.
Advanced React Component Patterns workshop @ PayPal (Part 2) ( 12, 2018
Making React components that can be used in multiple places is not hard. What is hard is when the use cases differ. Without the right patterns, you can find yourself with a highly complex component that requires a lot of configuration props and way too many if statements. With this course, you'll not only learn great patterns you can use, but also the strengths and weaknesses of each so you know which to reach for to provide your components the flexibility and power you need.
Confident React ( 10, 2018
Let's rethink what it means to ship applications with confidence and what it takes to get there. With improved tools and practices, we can be more certain that what we're shipping to our users will work the way it's intended.
Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration. Talk Practice at UtahJS ( 05, 2018
Automated tests are an important part of raising your confidence when releasing software. They can speed you up or slow you down depending on how you write them and which form of testing you focus your test writing on. In this talk, we’ll cover the value of automated testing and where your efforts should be focused to strike the best balance of confidence and effort.
Use state in React ( 18, 2017
We're going to build this stopwatch component. We'll start by hacking away at rerendering our whole app and passing props to it, then we'll migrate that mess to React state to make it clean and isolated.
Maintainable CSS in React ( 20, 2017
This is a recording of my screen during my talk at the internal conference JS@PayPal on July 20th 2017. I talk about CSS in JS and how it can help us with css in applications.
Concerning CSS in JS ( 23, 2017
I no longer care about: specificity, CSS linters, CSS preprocessors, vendor prefixing, removing unused CSS, finding CSS dependencies and dependents. I now care more about: whether it’s fast enough, whether it’s small enough, whether it’s familiar enough. These are some of my trade-offs. Because I use CSS-in-JS.