Sophie Alpert


react (
Aug 09, 2019
The react package contains only the functionality necessary to define React components

Podcast Episodes

React Today and Tomorrow with the React Core Team (
Oct 31, 2018
The React core team sits down with Michael Jackson to discuss React today and tomorrow. They talk Concurrent Mode, Suspense, Hooks, the new profiler tab, scheduling in the browser, React Fire, React Fusion, becoming more framework-y, appearing less JavaScript-y, and why you shouldn’t worry about the second argument of useEffect.
Inside React with Sophie Alpert (
May 29, 2018
Sophie Alpert is a core contributor to React and is currently the engineering manager for the React team at Facebook. She has been contributing to React for over 3 years now, making her first contributions while she was working as an engineer at Khan Academy.

Video Guides & Talks

React events in depth w/ Kent C. Dodds, Ben Alpert, & Dan Abramov (
Sep 01, 2016
Based on a recent pull request in the React repo ( it was suggested that we chat about how events in React work. Ben and Dan were eager to have this conversation with me :)

Articles & Tutorials

Sneak Peek: Beyond React 16 (
Mar 01, 2018
Dan Abramov from our team just spoke at JSConf Iceland 2018 with a preview of some new features we’ve been working on in React. The talk opens with a question: “With vast differences in computing power and network speed, how do we deliver the best user experience for everyone?”