React Today and Tomorrow with the React Core Team ( 31, 2018
The React core team sits down with Michael Jackson to discuss React today and tomorrow. They talk Concurrent Mode, Suspense, Hooks, the new profiler tab, scheduling in the browser, React Fire, React Fusion, becoming more framework-y, appearing less JavaScript-y, and why you shouldn’t worry about the second argument of useEffect.
Supporting Open Source with Michael Jackson ( 04, 2018
Chantastic talks with Michael about his journey into open source and how he's building a business to sustain open source development. They discuss frontend libraries (then and now), the link between business and open source, the genesis of (a CDN for NPM), and the future of modules in the browser.
Coming to React with Sara Vieira ( 05, 2018
Sara Vieira is easily one of the most entertaining people we've ever had on this show. She has been working with React over the past few years and has recently been traveling around Europe and giving free workshops on React in London and at React Finland.
Inside React with Sophie Alpert ( 29, 2018
Sophie Alpert is a core contributor to React and is currently the engineering manager for the React team at Facebook. She has been contributing to React for over 3 years now, making her first contributions while she was working as an engineer at Khan Academy.
Codesandbox with Ives van Hoorne ( 22, 2018
Ives van Hoorne is the creator of Codesandbox; an online code editor written completely in React. Although Codesandbox is written in React, it can be used to build applications for any front-end framework.
Emotion with Kye Hohenberger ( 15, 2018
Kye Hohenberger is the author of the Emotion JavaScript library, a popular choice among React developers who prefer using CSS-in-JS to traditional CSS stylesheets. In this episode we discuss his work on Emotion including where he got the initial inspiration for the project and his motivation for creating it. We also discuss the future of the project and what may be in store for the future of CSS-in-JS.
React Perf Devtool with Nitin Tulswani ( 08, 2018
Nitin Tulswani is a prolific developer and the creator of react-perf-devtool, a library that helps with profiling the performance of your React components since react-addons-perf was deprecated in React 16. In this episode we discuss Nitin's approach to writing code and the motivation behind several of his open source projects.
Async React with Andrew Clark ( 10, 2018
Andrew Clark is a developer on the React core team at Facebook who has been working on asynchronous rendering. In this episode we do a deep dive on some of the decisions behind the implementation of async mode in React 16 as well as talk about how applications can benefit from using it.
React Drama with Michael Jackson ( 13, 2018
We're joined by Michael Jackson, co-founder of React Training and creator of unpkg, to talk about some of the drama in the JavaScript world on the internet lately. We cover Dan Abramov's beyond React talk, Context and Suspense API, whether View Source matters, React Native Web, and of course Mootools.