Why React Hooks over HOCs (robinwieruch.de)Oct 01, 2020
I am still an advocate for higher-order components these days, because there composable nature of enhancing components fascinates me. However, there are problems with HOCs which shouldn't be denied and which are entirely solved by React Hooks.
Higher-Order Components In React (smashingmagazine.com)Jun 08, 2020
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about higher-order components, the syntax of higher-order components, as well as use cases for them. In the process, we will build a higher-order component from an existing React component.
A gentle Introduction to React's Higher Order Components (robinwieruch.de)Apr 04, 2017
A comprehensive yet easy to understand introduction to higher-order components in React. Higher order components, known as HOCs, are often a difficult to understand pattern in React.js. The article gives you a gentle introduction, how to use HOCs in an elegant way, how to abstract reusable logic and how to use recompose.