Remix v1 Beta Launch ( 29, 2021
Through lots of live code, Ryan and Michael will tell you all about where Remix started, where it's at now, and what this v1 Beta launch means for one of the most exciting web frameworks today.
v0.9.0 Release Overview ( 14, 2021
This is a big release. Ryan walks us through updating an app to v0.9.0, showing off Error Boundaries, Better TypeScript support, and Data Loaders/Actions right inside your Route Modules, no more data directory!
Remix Preview #1 ( 28, 2020
The first preview of Remix, the best way to build dynamic React websites. You'll get a preview on routing, layouts, data loading, meta tags, data caching, and scroll restoration.
The Road to Router v4 ( 17, 2017
In this talk Ryan will share some history behind the changes they made to React Router in version 4, and how it relates to React generally.